Family photo in front of our old beach, Cardiff Reef. Leah and I used to play scrabble on this beach each sunday. Good times!
Grampa with the boy
Good core strength Mick!
Close to Mick's bed time.
Triple Chin?!!a
Great Balance too!
Me, chad, mick, and our 1/2 asains.
Chillin' at the 7s.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
Mick had a good time with Gma. Even though he struggles in the hair dept., he's sprouting more around his entire head.
He loves to smile in the mornings. Sorry all of the pics are with my camera phone. We lost our cord to connect our camera to the computer so for the moment, it's no going.
He's happiest on his changing table.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
We need to get more mick standing photos on this blog. He gets a cute smile on his face like he's so pleased with himself.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Mick is really working on his leg strength. His vertical leap is pretty poor right now but check back in a couple of months.
Mick loves his baths. He even like to shower with his mommy. He likes all but the scrubbing part.
Leah and Mick had to take their morning nap on the couch cause I have been sick and have taken over the bedroom.
Friday, February 8, 2008
Uncle Todd holding little Mick. We went to the BYU game today versus Santa Monica and we lost 22-24. It's great to be in SoCal even if it's just for the weekend. We're really looking forward to watching Todd and the rest of the guys playing in the USA 7s tournament tomorrow. Go eagles! Stay tuned for a bunch of more fotos next week when we get around to posting them! Our favorite pic is a family picture of me leah and mick in cardiff by the sea overlooking the ocean during sunset.