Mick is doing very well right now. He is nursing like a champ and is not on any pain meds anymore. It's looking like he'll get out of primary childrens within the week. At least we're crossing our fingers for that. He's getting out of his newborn funk and is starting cry like babies do, although he loves to be held and calms right down with his little binky. Leah has been logging many hours bedside and I get there after work to enjoy some father-son time.
Ha Ha Ha, oh man Jeff! I have been trying to convince him to grow it out again! Don't you think he looks rugged and manly?! :)
How is baby Mick doing? Can we come and see him yet? I am dying to finally meet my future son in law!
Congratulations Guys!!! I am so excited for you- he is beautiful and I am so glad that he is recovering so well! I hope he gets to come home really soon! Good Luck with everything and we'll be praying for him!
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