So Leah and I have just "launched" a fundraising blog that we are calling, "26.2 for 10k". We are going to raise $10,000 for a charity in the Dominican Republic to help build houses and other useful projects.
One of the primary ways we're going to do this is through people sponsoring Leah in her preparation for the St. George marathon (http://www.stgeorgemarathon.com/) in October of this year. Check out the blog (http://runfor10.blogspot.com/) for more info and to see how to contribute to this worthy cause!
That is a great idea, Kyle has run that marathon a few times, he LOVED it! And I loved watching him! Jeff why are you not running??? And did Leah get a ticket already? Last year we both signed up and I got a ticket and Kyle didn't so I didn't keep mine, it was an easy way out! GOOD LUCK!!!
Leah- I found your blog and just thought I would say hi! Ann keeps me updated on all your family, but it is fun to see pictures too. Congrats on running St. George, I've heard it is one of the best, good luck!
Hello. This post is likeable, and your blog is very interesting, congratulations :-). I will add in my blogroll =). If possible gives a last there on my blog, it is about the Notebook, I hope you enjoy. The address is http://notebooks-brasil.blogspot.com. A hug.
Time for an update my friends! :) Leah, I am going to meet Colin at the office tomorrow for some lunch if you want to meet Jeff there and come it would be fun!
Hey man, last time I saw you, you were riding around Provo in a pickup without your shirt on. Now you're a professional rugby player or something. Micky looks like a little stud. Nice job. This is Scott Clesse, by the way, even though the name at the top probably says Laura. You remember her right? Anyway, I just found your blog through Rich and Aimee's, and I'm glad things are going so well for you, you've got a cute family. Good to catch up.
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