Tuesday, February 19, 2008

We need to get more mick standing photos on this blog. He gets a cute smile on his face like he's so pleased with himself.

1 comment:

jhullinger said...

I am the other Jeff Hullinger (Atlanta). I have received the following e-mail from your friend looking for you and instead found me.
Congrats on the baby!

From: ardeth hartson [mailto:ardyhartson@yahoo.com]
Sent: Sat 2/16/2008 9:11 PM
To: Hullinger, Jeff (CXR-Atlanta)
Subject: From wsbradio.com

Hi Jeff,
I was searching the web,and found you. I'm arden hullingers daughter.[from ct] Just wanted to say hi.
small world.How's everyone in Utah? haven't heard from anyone in a while.